Saturday, September 4, 2010

Horrible Horrible me!

I guess this will be a weekly blog? i'm pretty ok with myself
as for eating raw only happened once with this eggplant spinch sprout salad

which was AMAZING through out the week i ate semi raw with things like spinich sprout and homemade hummus on a high fructose corn syrup free muffin

and i also ate partially vegan with things like vegan snickerdoodles vegan pancakes and banana icecream! (which i will post pictures of later) i got raw cacoa nibs from the healthfood store goning to attempt something fun!

It has been over two weeks without dairy and i feel like i should feel like a million bucks... must be the toxic work enviroment (ie bar smoke) going to look into getting spurilla*(sp) apparently it is pretty amazing. also looking into a nicer yoga mat and a ciropractor<3

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day Zero.

Welcome to my beautiful brand new blog! Where I will document my journey to raw food vegan ism! So to become more organized I like to start things on the 1st so tomorrow will begin my more “official” venture. For two weeks I have been with out dairy (milk, cheese butter ect) red meat, pork, and soda! Though I have to admit butter and soda where the hardest! So seeing tomorrow I will begin with posting food pictures recipes and such I figured today would consist of a little prelude. I apologize if I bore you!

In 2006 I became a vegetarian. Then in 2009 when I became pregnant I swiftly ran back to a “protein full diet” I really didn’t want to deny my growing child of the nutrition I was told she needed from red meats (it disgusts me how ill informed I was!) once Kaia was born (Sept 11th) doctors and nurses again urged me not to be a vegetarian until I was done nursing… but now its been a almost a year, Kaia still nurses about 60% of the time and my body feels like crap. The only explanation I have is all my food is dead food. On top of that my family history for intestinal health is well less then desirable… so after some proper research (and lots of library books) I have decided to take things a step further! By January 1st I want to be able to be a complete (or at least 90% ) raw food vegan!
Here is my plan for achieving this!
2. Eat one uncooked unprocessed meals a day
3. Cut out poultry
4. Eat 1 raw meal and one “green smoothie” a day
5. Cut out any other processed/prepackaged foods I may be eating.
I am completely inexperienced so I don’t know how well this is going to pan out; I’ll be reading some nutrition books as well and ill post them as well =)

Here is a picture of my wonderful Kaia who insisted on trying mommies homemade veggitable juice (picture taken a few mnths ago at the lovely maria's kitchen)